Friday 20 January 2012

Challenge accepted... tentatively. Examining evidence that the Quran is supernatural

Maryam Namazie of FTBlogs recently got this email asking to look at ‘evidence’ that ‘the Quran is supernatural’. "I’ll do that" she said, "after I review ‘evidence’ from my 6 year old that Santa Claus really exists."

Apparently not having the time or the inclination to accept the invitation she shared the email which says she knew of any other interested parties;
...but in case any of you are bored out of your minds, you might want to have a go. If not – gasp, horror – he will note on his website that the ‘ex-muslims declined’. Please, please don’t let it get to that point. Here’s his email:

The reason why I am contacting this exmuslim council is because I would like to get your opinion on our claim that the Quran is supernatural due to the scientific, prophetical and archaeological evidence… which proves that a mere man could not have written it.
I would like to get your views on this and share it with others. Or would there be someone you know who would be interested in participating in looking over our evidences?
You can visit my Islamic apologetic website and click on the evidence for Islam tab.
Upon refusal we will note on our website that you did approach … but exmuslms declined.
I have had some previous debates you can view online, you can see this recent one here.
Please let me knowthanks,Nadir

I had a quick look at the material concerned and thought;

Maryam Namazie recently posted a blog in which you invite her, or others, to give our opinions on your claim that the Quran is supernatural due to the scientific, prophetical and archaeological evidence… which proves that a mere man could not have written it.
It would appear that Ms Namazie would like to first examine the ‘evidence’ from her 6 year old that Santa Claus really exists.
Having no children of my own, I am in a better position to review your site's evidence and give you a full discourse on my examination.
However, I do not like to waste time doing so if my response is ignored or rehashed. So my offer to you is this:
I will gladly give you my opinion on the claim that the Quran is supernatural based on the evidence presented on your site if you promise to publish the full transcript of my findings on your blog. You may critique my findings as you see fit in another post, but I must ask that you present them - in full - as they are presented to you - without addition, subtraction or comment.
Needless to say, my findings will be to the point and respectful of your sensibilities, but I will not accept your refusal to publish them based on your sensibilities if it is found that they are merely in disagreement with them. That would defeat the object of your invitation, after all.
Upon refusal I will note on my website that you were approached … but examinethetruth declined.
I look forward to your response, and hope to start work on the project as soon as you affirm my conditions.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tris Stock
Your move, Mr Ahmed.

*** UPDATE ***

yes I accept all your conditions. However, I would also like for there tobe oral discussion... we can accomplish this by using online meetingsoftware... is this ok with you ?

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I must state, however, that I am uncomfortable with direct contact. I would be more than happy to continue a written dialogue with you, should you wish. Does this meet with your approval?
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tris Stock
well, im not sure if I understood you..are you saying that you are notable to vocally... over the internet argue your case in a discussion wherewe are given equal time ?
What you are asking for now is a debate. That is not what you requested in the letter to Ms Namazie, and nothing to do with the initial request.
I do not use Skype, Google Hangouts or any other form of face to face contact. I suffer from anxiety attacks and - inexplicably, apart from karaoke - the idea of me speaking publicly fills me with dread. 
Should I continue with your initial request for "opinion on our claim that the Quran is supernatural due to the scientific, prophetical and archaeological evidence… which proves that a mere man could not have written it."?
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tris Stock
ok no problem. I do not want you to do something you do not feelcomfortable with.
however I did not want a debate, i was referring to discussion.
are you open for casual talk over the internet?

Certainly, if it is in written form. I actively welcome it.
I have to go out now, but I shall begin in the morning.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tris Stock

1 comment:

  1. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Hell, you're asking to do the legwork for her.


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