Saturday, 28 July 2012

Article criticising religion as news REJECTED!

As I suspected, my article 'Is religion a necessary aspect of news content?' has been rejected. Also, the article that spawned my post remains. is run by a company called Northcliffe Media, and the email for comments is Be sure and let them know how you feel about their moderation policy.

For my part, I shall take the high-road and keep things civil for as long as they treat me with civility, but if they are unable to justify their position, MPs and newspaper editor's inboxes will be filled with with my activism - and hopefully your activism too.

Is there a U.K. lawyer here that could help me clarify a few things?

Earlier today I posted an article to the site, entitled 'Is religion a necessary aspect of news content?' Upon completion I was informed that it would be moderated. It would appear that this moderation process has decided that the article was not suitable for publication.
Firstly, would you be so kind as to explain the reasons for this particular article's rejection?
Secondly, would you also explain why religious sermons like this are considered credible news content?
If you are unable to access the article concerned, I have posted a copy to my blog for your perusal here.
Kind regards,
Mr Tris Stock

Let's see what they have to say for themselves.

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