We often hear that scripture contains no contradictions. Those studious bods down at Project Reason, however, have gone to some considerable effort to dismiss this argument.
There follows, below the break, a list of some 439 documented biblical contradictions. I have to admit to some considerable use of copy pasta from their rather lovely graphic to post it here, but I hope that this transgression is overlooked once I have edited it in its entirety. Something I am confident my reader will be allow me considering the length of the list.
It will, no doubt, take some considerable time. All contributions will be warmly appreciated as the form of the edits become more apparent.
1. How many men did the chief of David’s captains kill?
2 Samuel 23:8 These are the names of David’s mighty warriors: Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was chief of the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter.
1 Chronicles 11:11 this is the list of David’s mighty warriors: Jashobeam, a Hakmonite, was chief of the officers; he raised his spear against three hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter.2. Was Abraham justified by faith or by works?
Romans 4:2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God.
James 2:21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?3. How many sons did Abraham have?
Hebrews 11:17 By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son,
Genesis 22:2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.
Genesis 4:22 Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out ofThese entries deserve closer inspection, as such I shall open a new post for further discussion and analysis here.bronze and iron. Tubal-Cain’s sister was Naamah.Debunked
Genesis 16:15 So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne.
Genesis 21:2-3 2Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. 3Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.
Genesis 25:1-21Abraham had taken another wife, whose name was Keturah. 2She bore himZimran,Jokshan,Medan,Midian,IshbakandShuah
4. Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech?
1 Samuel 22:20 But one son of Ahimelek son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped and fled to join David. 1 Samuel 23:6 (Now Abiathar son of Ahimelek had brought the ephod down with him when he fled to David at Keilah.)
2 Samuel 8:17 Zadok son of Ahitub and Ahimelek son of Abiathar were priests; Seraiah was secretary; 1 Chronicles 18:16 Zadok son of Ahitub and Ahimelek son of Abiathar were priests; Shavsha was secretary;1 Chronicles 24:6 The scribe Shemaiah son of Nethanel, a Levite, recorded their names in the presence of the king and of the officials: Zadok the priest, Ahimelek son of Abiathar and the heads of families of the priests and of the Levites—one family being taken from Eleazar and then one from Ithamar.
5. Who was Abijam’s mother?
1 Kings 15:1-2 1 In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam son of Nebat, Abijah became king of Judah, 2 and he reigned in Jerusalem three years. His mother’s name was Maakah daughter of Abishalom.
2 Chronicles 13:1-2 1 In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam, Abijah became king of Judah, 2 and he reigned in Jerusalem three years. His mother’s name was Maakah, a daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.In the NIV, at least, there does not appear to be any contradiction with regard to who Abijam's mother was, although who Abijam's mother was the daughter of, remains unclear and contradictory.
6. How were Abijam and Asa related? 1 ki 15:8 ≠ 1ki 15:1-2, 15:9-10
7. How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab’s house? 1sam 7:1-2, 10:24 ≠ 2sam 6:2-3,
acts 13:21
8. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born? gen 16:16 ≠ acts 7:2-4, gen 11:26, 11:32
9. How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab’s house? 1sam 7:1-2, 10:24 ≠ 2sam 6:2-3,
acts 13:21
10. When did Absalom rebel against David? 2sam 15:7 ≠ 2sam 5:4
11. The two contradictory creation accounts. gen 1:25-27 ≠ gen 2:18-22
12. Who Was Achan’s father? jos 7:1 ≠ jos 7:24, 22:20
13. How many of Adin’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:15 ≠ neh 7:20
14. How many of Adonikam’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:13 ≠ neh 7:18
15. How should adulterers be punished? lev 20:10 ≠ jn 8:3-8
16. Is it wrong to commit adultery? exo 20:14, deut 5:18, heb 13:4 ≠ num 31:18, hos 1:2, 3:1
17. Was Haman an Agagite? est 3:1 ≠ 1sam 15:2-3, 15:7-8, 15:32-33
18. Was Ahaz buried with his fathers? 2ki 16:20 ≠ 2chron 16:20
19. When did Ahaziah begin to reign? 2ki 8:25 ≠ 2ki 9:29
20. How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign? 2ki 8:26 ≠ 2chron 22:2
21. Did the city of Ai exist after Joshua destroyed it? jos 8:28 ≠ neh 7:32
22. What tribe was Aijalon from? jos 21:23-24 ≠ 1chron 6:66, 69
23. Does God want some to go to hell? 1tim 2:3-4, 2pe 3:9 ≠ prov 16:4, jn 12:40, rom 9:18,
2thes 2:11-12
24. Did Jesus tell his disciples everything? jn 15:15 ≠ jn 16:12
25. Was David alone when asking for the holy bread at Nob? sam 21:1 ≠ mat 12:3-4
26. Who was Amasa’s father? 2sam 17:25 ≠ 1chron 2:17
27. How should the Ammonites be treated? deut 2:19, 2:37 ≠ jdg 11:32, jer 49:2
28. Who was Anah? gen 36:2, 14 ≠ gen 36:20, 1chron 1:38 ≠ gen 36:24, 1chron 1:40
29. How long does God’s anger last? ps 30:5, jer 3:12, mic 7:18 ≠ num 32:13, jer 17:4, mal 1:4,
mat 25:41, 25:46
30. From what were the animals created? gen 1:20 ≠ gen 2:19
31. Should you answer a fool according to his folly? prov 26:5 ≠ prov 26:4
32. What were the names of the apostles? mat 10:2-4 ≠ mk 3:16-19 ≠ lk 6:14-16 ≠ acts 1:13
33. Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples after the resurrection? mat 28:16 ≠ mk 16:14,
lk 24:33-37, jn 20:19
34. How many of Arah’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:5 ≠ neh 7:10
35. What was in the Ark of the Covenant? 1ki 8:9, 2chron 5:10 ≠ heb 9:4
36. Was Asa perfect? 1ki 15:14, 2chron 15:17 ≠ 2chron 16:7, 16:10, 16:12
37. Did Asa remove the high places? 2chron 14:3-5 ≠ 1ki 15:14, 2chron 15:17
38. How many of Asaph’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:41 ≠ neh 7:44
39. When did Jesus ascend into heaven? lk 24:1-51, mk 16:9-19 ≠ jn 20:26 ≠ acts 13:31 ≠ acts 1:2-3, 9
40. Did Peter ask Jesus where he was going? jn 13:36 ≠ jn 16:5
41. On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? mat 21:5-7 ≠ mk 11:7, lk 19:35 ≠ jn 12:14
42. Is the day of the Lord at hand? 1thes 4:15-17, 5:23 ≠ 2thes 2:2-3
43. How many of Azgad’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:12 ≠ neh 7:17
44. When did Baasha die? 1ki 16:6-8 ≠ 2chron 16:1
45. How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built? gen 11:1, 11:6-9 ≠ gen
10:5, 10:20, 10:31
46. How many of Bani’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:10 ≠ neh 7:15
47. In whose name is baptism to be performed? mat 28:19 ≠ acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5
48. Did Jesus baptize anyone? jn 3:22 ≠ jn 4:2
49. Did Jesus tell his apostles to go barefoot and without a staff? mat 10:10, lk 9:3 ≠ mk 6:8-9
50. Who was to blame for original sin? 1tim 2:14 ≠ rom 5:12
51. Who was Bashemath’s father? gen 26:34 ≠ gen 36:2-3
52. What was the volume of the molten sea in Solomon’s temple? 1ki 7.26 ≠ 2chron 4:5
53. How many of Bebai’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:11 ≠ neh 7:16
54. Who named Beersheba? gen 21:31 ≠ gen 26:33
55. Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus? lk 2:1-7, ≠ mat 2:1-2, 11, 22-23
56. Should we believe everything? 1cor 13:7 ≠ prov 14:15, thes 5:21, 1jn 4:1
57. How many believers were there at the time of the ascension? acts 1:15 ≠ 1cor 15:6
58. How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt? gen 44:20, 44:22 ≠ gen 46:8, 21
59. Who were the sons of Benjamin? gen 46:21 ≠ num 26:38-40 ≠ 1chron 7:6 ≠ 1chron 8:1-2
60. Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin? gen 46:21 ≠ num 26:38-40
61. Who asked for the best seats in heaven? mk 10:35-37 ≠ mat 20:20-21
62. When did Jacob rename Luz to Bethel? gen 28:18-19 ≠ gen 33:18, 35:6-7
63. How many of Bethlehem and Netophah’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:21-22 ≠ neh 7:26
64. Where did Jesus cure the blind man? mk 8:22-25 ≠ jn 8:59 - 9:1-6
65. How many of Bezai’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:17 ≠ neh 7:23
66. How many of Bigvai’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:14 ≠ neh 7:19
67. Who makes people deaf and blind? exo 4:11, jn 9:1-3 ≠ mk 9:17, 25
68. How many blind men were healed near Jericho? mat 20:30 ≠ mk 10:46, lk 18:35
69. Does the blood of animal sacrifices take away sin? lev 4:20, 26, 31, 35, 5:10, 16, 18, 6:7, 17:11,
num 15:27-28, 29:5 ≠ heb 10:4, 10:11
70. Should every man bear his own burden? gal 6:5 ≠ gal 6:2
71. Who buried Jesus? mat 27:57-60, mk 15:43-46, lk 23:50-53 ≠ jn 19:38-42 ≠ acts 13:27-29
72. On what day did the temple burn? 2ki 25:8-9 ≠ jer 52:12-13
73. Did God command the Israelites to make him burnt offerings? exo 8:27, 10:25, 20:24, 29:16-18 ≠
jer 7:22
74. Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush? exo 3:4, mk 12:26 ≠ exo 3:2, acts 7:35
75. What became of Cain? gen 4:11-12 ≠ gen 4:16-17
76. Was Jesus taken to Caiaphas or Annas first? mat 26:57, mk 14:53, lk 22:54 ≠ jn 18:13
77. Will those who call on the Lord be delivered? Joel 2:32, acts 2:21, rom 10:13 ≠ mat 7:21, jer 14:12,
ezk 8:18, mic 3:4
78. Can God do anything? gen 18:14, job 42:1-2, jer 32:17, 32:27, mat 19:26, mk 10:27, lk 1:37, 18.27,
rev 19:6 ≠ jdg 1:19, mk 6:5, heb 6:18
79. How long was the Egyptian Captivity? gen 15:13 ≠ exo 12:40, gal 3:17
80. Is casting out devils a sign of a true Christian? mk 16:17 ≠ mk 9:38, lk 9:49
81. Did God kill all the Egyptian cattle in the sixth plague? exo 9:3-6 ≠ exo 9:19, 12:29
82. Is it OK to have a census? 2chron 2:17 ≠ 2sam 24:1, 1chron 21:2
83. Did the Centurion ask Jesus directly to help his slave? mt 8:5-8 ≠ lk 7:1-7
84. What did the Centurion call Jesus when he died? mk 15:39, mat 27:54 ≠ lk 23:47
85. How high was the chapiter? jer 52:22 ≠ 2ki 25:17
86. How many men did David kill? 2sam 10:18 ≠ 1chron 19:18
87. Is childbearing sinful? lev 12:6-7 ≠ gen 1:28, 1tim 2:15
88. Is it a a good thing to be childish? mat 18:3, 19:14, mk 10:15, lk 18:17 ≠ 1cor 13:11, 14:20, eph 4:14
89. How did Jesus respond when questioned by the high priest? mat 26:63-64, lk 22:70 ≠ mk 14:62
90. Is circumcision required? gen 17:7, 17:10, 17:13, 17:19, lev 12:3 ≠ gal 5:2, col 2:10-11
91. To whom were the cities of Exhtaol and Zoreah given? jos 15:20, 33 ≠ jos 19:40-41
92. Did the cock crow before or after Peter’s denial? mat 26:70, 72, 74, lk 22:57-60, jn 18:17, 25-27 ≠
mk 14:67-72
93. What color was Jesus’ robe? mat 27:28 ≠ mk 15:17, jn 19:2
94. Did Jesus forewarn the apostles of his death and resurrection? mat 20:18-19, 26:31-32, mk 8:31,
10:33-34, 14:28, lk 18:31-33 ≠ jn 20:9
95. Is God the author of confusion? gen 11:7-9, 1cor 1:27 ≠ 1cor 14:33
96. Is it OK to covet? 1cor 12:31, 14:39 ≠ exo 20:17, deut 5:21, rom 13:9, eph 5:3, col 3:5
97. Did Jesus say before the cock crow or before the cock crows twice? mat 26:34, lk 22:34,
jn 13:38 ≠ mk 14:30
98. Did Jesus ask God to save him from crucifixion? mat 26:36, 42, mk 14:35-36, lk 22:41-42 ≠ jn 12:27
99. Is it OK to curse people? rom 12:14 ≠ 1cor 16:22
100. Will God curse the earth? mal 4:6 ≠ gen 8:21
101. Are those who obey the law cursed? gal 3:10 ≠ deut 27:26
102. When did the Temple curtain rip? lk 23:45-46 ≠mat 27:50-51, mk 15:37-38
103. Who carried Jesus’ cross? jn 19:17 ≠ mat 27:32, mk 15:21, lk 23:26
104. Generations from David to the Babylonian Captivity. 1chron 3:10-16 ≠ mat 1:6-11
105. How did David kill Goliath? 1sam 17:49-50 ≠ 1sam 17:51
106. The sons of David born in Hebron. 2sam 3:2-5 ≠ 1chron 3:1-4
107. David never sinned (he was clean and righteous). 2sam 22:21, 22:25, 1ki 3:14, 9:4, 14:8 ≠
1ki 15:5 ≠ 2sam 24:10
108. Which sons of David born in Jerusalem? 2sam 5:14-16 ≠ 1chron 3:5-8 ≠ 1chron 14:3-7
109. From which of David’s sons was Jesus descended? mat 1:6-7 ≠ lk 3:31
110. When did the women (or woman) arrive at the sepulchre? jn 20:1 ≠ mat 28:1, mk 16:1-2
111. Did Adam die on the day he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? gen 2:17 ≠ gen 3:6, 5:5
112. Is death final? jos 23:14, job 7:9, 14:10, 12, 20:7, ps 6:5, 31:17, 88:5, 115:17, ecc 3:19, 9:5, 9:10,
isa 26:14, 38:18 ≠ 1ki 17:22, 2ki 4:32-35, 13:21, isa 26:19, ezk 37:12, dan 12:1, mat 9:24-25, 25:46,
27:52-53, mk 5:39-42, lk 7:12-15, 9:30, 14:14, 20:37, jn 5:28-29, 11:39-44, acts 26:23, 1cor 15:16,
15:52, rev 20:12-13
113. How many of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:60 ≠ neh 7:62
114. To whom did Peter deny knowing Jesus? mat 26:69-73 ≠ mk 14:66-71 ≠ lk 22:54-60 ≠
jn 18:15-17, 25-27
115. Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? gen 19:13 ≠ gen 19:24
116. Can the devil capture us at will? 2tim 2:26 ≠ jam 4:7
117. Is the devil free to roam? 2pe 2:4, jude 6 ≠ 1pe 5:8
118. Who can cast out devils in the name of Jesus? mk 16:17 ≠ mat 7:21-23, mk 9:38, lk 9:49
119. Where did the devils ask not to go? mk 5:9-10 ≠ lk 8:30-31
120. Does God desire animal sacrifices? gen 4:4, 8:20-21, 15:9-10, exo 20:24, 29:11-37, lev 1:5,
23:12-18, num 18:17-19, deut 12:27 ≠ ps 40:6, ps 50:13, ps 51:16, isa 1:11, isa 66:3, jer 6:20, mic
6:6-7, mat 9:13, 12:7
121. Must everyone die? gen 5:24, jn 8:51, jn 11:26, heb ≠ rom 5:12, heb 9:27
122. Should believers discuss their faith with non-believers? 1pe 3:15, col 4:5-6 ≠ 2jn 1:10,
1tim 6:20-21, 2tim 2:16
123. Is divorce ever permissible? mat 19:6 ≠ mat 5:32, 19:9 ≠ 1cor 7:15 ≠ deut 24:1-2
124. Does anyone ever do anything good? isa 64:6, ps 14:3, 53:3, rom 3:12, ecc 7:20 ≠ jn 5:29,
2cor 5:10, 3jn 11
125. Who put the robe on Jesus? lk 23:11 ≠ mt 27:27-28, mat 15:15-17, jn 19:1-2
126. Did Jesus drink on the cross? jn 19:29-30 ≠ mk 15:23
127. When did the earth dry after the flood? gen 8:13 ≠ gen 8:14
128. Does God dwell in darkness or in light? 1ki 8:12, 2chron 6:1, ps 18:11, 97:2 ≠ 1tim 6:15-16
129. Will the earth last forever? deut 4:40, ps 37:29, 78:69, 104:5, ecc 1:4 ≠ ps 102:25-26, isa 65:17,
mat 5:18, mat 24:35, mk 13:31, lk 21:33, heb 1:10-11, 2pe 3:10, 2pe 3:13, rev 21:1
130. What kind of animals may we eat? gen 1:29, prov 23:20, dan 1:8, rom 14:21 ≠ deut 14:7-8,
lev 11:2-4 ≠ gen 9:3, mk 7:18-20, lk 10:8, acts 10:9-13, 1cor 10:25, rom 14:2, 1tim 4:1-3
131. How should the Edomites be treated? deut 23:7 ≠ 2ki 14:3, 7, ezk 25:13, oba 1, 8-9
132. Did Lot’s daughters think God had killed every man? gen 19:21-22, 30 ≠ gen 19:31
133. Does the gospel of Luke contain everything that Jesus did? acts 1:1-2 ≠ jn 21:25
134. Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth? mat 2:14 ≠ lk 2:39
135. How many disciples did Jesus appear to in his first post resurrection appearance? 1cor 15:5 ≠
mat 28:16-17, mk 16:14, lk 24:33-37 ≠ jn 20:24
136. Did the eleven disciples believe the two men? lk 24:33-34 ≠ mk 16:12-13
137. Who did Elhanan kill? 2sam 21:19 ≠ 1chron 20:5
138. Was John the Baptist Elijah? mat 11:13-14, 17:12-13, mk 9:13 ≠ jn 1:21
139. When will the end of the world come? mat 10:23 ≠ mat 24:14
140. How should we treat our enemies? exo 23:4, prov 25:21, mat 5:44, lk 6:35 ≠ ps 35:6,8, 55:15,
58:6-7, 69:22-28, 83:9-10, 83:15-17, 109:6-14, lam 1:21-22, 3:64-66, 1cor 16:22
141. Has anyone ever ascended into heaven? jn 3:13 ≠ gen 5:24, 2ki 2:11, heb 11:5
142. Did Enoch die? heb 11:13 ≠ gen 5:24, heb 11:5
143. Was Enoch the sixth or the seventh from Adam? gen 5:3-18, 1chron 1:1-2, lk 3:37-38 ≠ jude 14
144. Will Ephraim return to Egypt? hos 8:11-13, 9:3 ≠ hos 11:3-5
145. When was Eve created? gen 1:27 ≠ gen 2:20-22
146. Is everyone descended from Adam and Eve? gen 3:20 ≠ heb 7:3
147. Is God the creator of evil? 2ki 6:33, isa 45:7, amos 3:6 ≠ 1jn 4:8
148. Do evildoers prosper? job 12:6, ps 73:3-7, 12, jer 12:1 ≠ ps 34:21
149. Did Moses see God face to face? exo 33:11, deut 34:10 ≠ exo 33:20-23
150. Is Salvation by faith alone? mk 16:16, jn 3:18, 36, acts 16:30-31, rom 1:16-17, 3:20, 3:28, 4:2,
4:13, 4:13, 5:1, 10:9, gal 2:16, 3:11-12, eph 2:8-9, titus 3:5 ≠ ps 62:12, prov 10:16, jer 17:10, ezk 18:27,
mat 5:20, 12:37, 16:27, 19:17, 25:41-46, lk 10:26-28, jn 5:29, rom 2:6, 13, 2cor 5:10, 11:15, php 2:12,
jam 2:14, 2:17, 2:21-25, 1pe 1:17, rev 2:23, rev 20:12-13, rev 22:14
151. Were the men with Paul knocked to the ground? acts 26:14 ≠ acts 9:7
152. Is it possible to fall from grace? gal 5:4, heb 6:4-6, 2pe 2:20-21 ≠ jn 10:28, rom 8:38-39
153. How many years of famine? 2sam 24:13 ≠ 1chron 21:11-12
154. Is is OK to call your father (or anyone else) father? mat 23:9 ≠ exo 20:12, deut 5:16, eph 6:2, 2ki 2:12, 6:21, 1jn 2:13-1
155. Did Moses fear the king? exo 2:14-15 ≠ heb 11:27
156. Should we look for signs in the heavens? lk 21:11 ≠ jer 10:2
157. Should we fear God? lev 25:17, deut 4:10, 6:2, 6:13, 10:20, 6:24, 10:12, 14:23, 28:68, 31:12, 31:13,
jos 4:24, 24:14, 1sam 12:14, 12:24, 2ki 17:39, 1chron 16:25, neh 5:9, job 28:28, ps 19:9, 25:14, 33:8,
33:18, 34:9, 96:4, 103:11, 103:13, 103:17, 111:10, 112:1, 115:13, 128:1, 47:11, prov 1:7, 14:2, 22:4,
24:21, ecc 5:7, 12:13, isa 8:13, hos 3:5, mal 2:4-5, jer 5:22, mat 10:28, lk 12:5, 1:50, rom 3:10-18, 2cor
7:1, eph 5:21, col 3:22, heb 10:31, 1pe 2:17, rev 14:7, 15:4 ≠ 2tim 1:7, 1jn 4:8, 4:18
158. Who bought the potter’s field? mat 27:6 ≠ acts 1:18
159. When did the cursed fig tree die? mat 21:19-20 ≠ mk 11:13-14, 20-21
160. When did Jesus curse the fig tree? mk 11:12-17 ≠ mat 21:12, 21:17-19
161. Was Jesus the first to rise from the dead? acts 26:23 ≠ 1sam 28:11, 14, 1ki 17:22, 2ki 4:32-35
162. To whom did Jesus make his first post-resurrection appearance? mat 28:1, 9 ≠ mk 16:9,
jn 20:11-14 ≠ lk 24:13-31 ≠ 1cor 15:4-5
163. How long was the ark afloat? gen 8:4 ≠ gen 8:5
164. How long did the flood last? gen 7:17 ≠ gen 7:24, gen 8:3
165. Did everyone (except for Noah and his family) die in the flood? gen 7:21-23 ≠ gen 6:4, num 13:33
166. Will the righteous flourish? ps 92:12 ≠ isa 57:1
167. Which flying creeping things may we eat? deut 14:19 ≠ lev 11:21-23
168. Is it OK to call someone a fool? ps 14:1, 53:1, mat 23:17, 19, lk 11:40, 24:25, rom 21-22,
1cor 15:36, gal 3:1 ≠ mat 5:22
169. Is it good to be foolish? 1cor 1:21, 3:18, 4:10 ≠ ps 5:5, eph 5:15
170. Who forces non-believers to disbelieve? jn 12:40, 2thes 2:11-12 ≠ 2cor 4:3-4
171. How many generations from Jesus to Abraham? mat 1:17 ≠ mat 1:2-16
172. Can God be found? prov 8:17, mat 7:8, lk 11:9-10 ≠ ps 18:41, prov 1:28, lam 3:8, 3:44, amos 8:12,
lk 13:24
173. From what were the fowls created? gen 1:20-21 ≠ gen 2:19
174. Do humans have free will? deut 30:19, jos 24:15 ≠ acts 13:48, rom 8:29-30, 9:11-22, eph 1:4-5,
2thes 2:11-12, 2tim 1:9, jude 4
175. Were the disciples frightened or gladdened when they saw Jesus? lk 24:37 ≠ jn 20:20
176. Does God ever get furious? isa 27:4 ≠ isa 34:2, jer 21:5, 30:23, mic 5:15, nah 1:2, zec 8:2
177. Who gave the law to Moses? exo 19:20, 20:22 ≠ gal 3:19
178. Genealogy of Jesus (1) mat 1:6-16 ≠ lk 3:21-31
179. Genealogy of Jesus (2) mat 1:6-16 ≠ 1chron 3:10-16
180. When was the Holy Ghost given? jn 7:39, jn 20:22, acts 2:1-4 ≠ mk 12:36, lk 1:15, 1:41, 1:67, 2:25,
acts 1:16
181. Does God ever lie? num 23:19, 1sam 15:29, 7:28, titus 1:2, heb 6:18 ≠ 1ki 22:23, 2chron 18:22,
jer 4:10, 20:7, ezk 14:9, 2thes 2:11
182. Does God love everyone? jn 3:16, 4:8, 4:16 ≠ lev 20:23, ps 5:5, 11:5, prov 6:16, 19, hos 9:15,
mal 1:3, rom 9:13
183. Does God know what is in everyone’s heart? acts 1:24, ps 44:21, 139:2-3 ≠ deut 8:2, 13:3,
2chron 32:31
184. How many gods are there? deut 4:35, 4:39, 6:4, 32:39, 1ki 18:39, isa 43:10, 44:8, 45:5-6, 46:9, mk
12:29, 12:32, jn 17:3, 1cor 8:6 ≠ gen 1:26, 3:22, 11:7, exo 12:12, 15:11, 18:11, 20:3, 5, 22:20, 22:28,
23:13, 23:24, 23:32, 34:14, num 33:4, deut 3:24, 6:14-15, 10:17, 28:14, jos 24:2, 24:14, jdg 11:24, 1sam
6:5, 28:13, 1chron 16:25, ps 82:1, 82:6, 86:8, 96:4, 97:7, 135:5, 136:2, jer 1:16, 10:11, 25:6, 46:25, zep
2:11, jn 10:33-34, 1jn 5:7
185. How much gold, silver, and clothing did the people give? ezra 2:69 ≠ neh 7:72
186. Who killed Goliath? 1sam 17:49-50, 17:51, 21:8-9 ≠ 2sam 21:19
187. Is anyone good? isa 64:6, mk 10:18 ≠ mk 5:45, mat 13:47-48, mat 22:10, lk 3:50
188. Who was greater: Jesus, Solomon, or John the Baptist? 1ki 3:12 ≠ mat 12:42, lk 11:31, col 2:2-3 ≠
mat 11:11
189. Is it OK for men to have long hair? num 6:5, jdg 13:5, 1sam 1:11 ≠ 1cor 11:14
190. Is it good to be happy? prov 17:22, ecc 8:15 ≠ ecc 7:3-4, lk 6:25
191. Was Mary Magdalene happy or sad when she saw the risen Jesus? mat 28:8-12 ≠ jn 20:11-15
192. Who hardened the Pharaoh’s heart? exo 4:21, 7:3, 7:13, 9:12, 10:1, 10:20, 10:27, 11:10, 14:4,
14:8, 14:17 ≠ exo 8:32, 9:34, 1sam 6:6
193. Should we follow our own hearts? ecc 11:9 ≠ num 15:39
194. When was heaven created? mt 25:34 ≠ jn 14:2
195. Does God help in times of need? 1sam 8:18, ps 10:1, 22:1-2, isa 1:15, 45:15, ezk 20:3, hab 1:2,
hos 5:6 ≠ ps 22:24, 46:1, 145:18, nah 1:7
196. Who was Heman’s father? 1ki 4:31 ≠ 1chron 2:6 ≠ 1chron 6:33, 15:17
197. Did Herod think Jesus was John the Baptist? mat 14:1-2, mk 6:16 ≠ lk 9:9
198. Where did Joseph’s brothers find the hidden money? gen 42:29-35 ≠ gen 42:27, 43:21
199. How many talents of gold did Hiram send Solomon? 1ki 9:27-28 ≠ 1chron 8:18
200. Is only God holy? rev 15:4 ≠ exo 22:31, lev 11:44-45, 19:2, 20:7, deut 7:6, isa 4:3, ps 16:10, 86:2,
lk 2:23, 1cor 7:14
201. Who sent the Holy Ghost? jn 15:26 ≠ jn 14:26
202. How should homosexuals be treated? lev 20:13 ≠ 1ki 15:11-12
203. Where did Aaron die? num 20:27-28, 33:38 ≠ deut 10:6
204. How many horsemen did David take? 2sam 8:4 ≠ 1chron 18:4
205. At what time of day was Jesus crucified? mk 15:25 ≠ jn 19:14-16
206. Does God approve of human sacrifice? gen 22:2, exo 22:29, lev 27:28-29, num 31:25-29, jdg
11:29-40, 2sam 21:1, 8-9, 14, 1ki 13:2, 2ki 23:20, 2chron 34:1-5 ≠ lev 18:21, 20:2, deut 18:10, 2ki 21:6
207. Were humans created before or after the other animals? gen 1:25-27 ≠ gen 2:18-19
208. If a husband believes, is his wife saved also? 1cor 7:14, acts 16:31 ≠ 1cor 7:16
209. Which tribe was Hyram from? 1ki 7:13-14 ≠ 2chron 2:13-14
210. Was Zechariah Iddo’s son or grandson? ezra 5:1, 6:14 ≠ zec 1:1
211. Is it OK to make images? exo 20:4, deut 5:8, deut 4:16-18, 4:23, 27:15, 2ki 18:3-4 ≠ exo 25:18, 20,
num 21:8
212. Which came first: the calling of Peter and Andrew or the imprisonment of John the Baptist?
mk 1:14-17 ≠ jn 1:40-42, 3:22-24
213. Is incest forbidden? lev 18:9, lev 18:12, 20:17, 20:19, deut 27:22 ≠ gen 20:12, 17:16, exo 6:20
214. Are we punished for the sins of others? gen 9:21-25, 20:18, exo 20:5, 34:7, deut 5:9, 23:2, 28:18,
num 14:18, 1sam 3:12-13, 2sam 12:14, 21:6-9, 1ki 2:33, 11:11-12, 21:29, 2ki 5:27, isa 14:21, jer 16:10-
11, 29:32, 32:18, zep 1:8 ≠ deut 24:16, 2ki 14:6, jer 31:29-30, ezk 18:20
215. Did Saul inquire of the Lord? 1sam 28:6 ≠ 1chron 10:13-14
216. Were the men or angels inside or outside the tomb when the women arrived? mat 28:2 ≠ mk
16:5, lk 24:3-4, jn 20:11-12
217. Will God destroy those that intermarry? exo 34:16, deut 7:3-4, 1ki 11:1-2 ≠ gen 46:20, num 12:1, 9-10
218. Can God stop iron chariots? jdg 4:13-16 ≠ jdg 1:19
219. How old was Ishmael when he was abandoned by Abraham? gen 21:14, 21:15, 21:18 ≠ gen
17:25, 21:5, 8
220. Who bought the sepulchre in Sechem from the sons of Hamor? jos 24:32 ≠ acts 7:16
221. Where was Jacob buried? gen 50:13 ≠ acts 7:15-16
222. How many were in Jacob’s family when they came into Egypt? gen 46:27, exo 1:5 ≠ acts 7:14
223. Was Jarius’ daughter alive when Jesus was approached? mat 9:18 ≠ mk 5:22-23, lk 8:41-42
224. Did Jeconiah have any sons? jer 22:28-30 ≠ 1chron 3.17-18, mat 1:12
225. Was Jechoniah the son or the grandson of Josiah? mat 1:11 ≠ 1chron 3:15-16
226. When did Jehoash become king of Israel? 2ki 13:1 ≠ 2ki 13:10
227. How old was Jehoachin when he began to reign? 2ki 24:8 ≠ 2chron 36:9
228. Who succeeded Jehoiakim as king? 2ki 24:6 ≠ jer 36:30
229. Did Jehoiakim die in Babylon or near Jerusalem? 2chron 36:5-6 ≠ jer 22:18-19
230. Did Jehoshaphat remove the high places? 2chron 17:5-6 ≠ 1ki 22:42-43, 2chron 20:31-33
231. Did Abraham know God’s name? gen 22:14 ≠ exo 6:3
232. Was Jehu the son or grandson of Nimshi? 1ki 19:16 ≠ 2ki 9:2
233. When was the man (or men) healed? mat 20:30, mk 10:46 ≠ lk 18:35
234. Did Paul go to Jerusalem from Damascus immediately after his conversion? acts 9:26 ≠ gal 1:16-17
235. How many sons did Jesse have? 1sam 16:10-11, 17:12 ≠ 1chron 2:13-15
236. When was Jesus born? mat 2:1, lk 1:5 ≠ lk 2:1
237. Was Joseph the father of Jesus? acts 2:30, 13:23, rom 1:3, 2tim 2:8, heb 2:16, rev 22:16 ≠ mat
1:18, 22:45, mk 12:35-37, lk 1:31-35
238. Did Jesus know everything? jn 16:30, 21:17, col 2:2-3 ≠ mk 5:30, 13:32, mat 8:10, lk 7:9
239. Did Jesus bear witness of himself? jn 5:31 ≠ jn 8:14, jn 8:18
240. What will happen to Jews when they die? mat 8:12 ≠ rom 11:26
241. Will there be many Jews? gen 26:4 ≠ gen 4:27
242. Did God commend or condemn Jehu for the killings at Jezreel? 2ki 10:30, 2chron 22:2 ≠ hos 1:4
243. Where was Joash buried? 2ki 12:20-21 ≠ 2chron 24:24-25
244. Who brought evil on Job? job 2:7 ≠ job 42:11
245. Who cast Jonah into the sea? jnh 1:15 ≠ jnh 2:3
246. Where did John baptize? mat 3:4-6, mk 1:9 ≠ jn 1:28
247. Who was Jesus’ grandfather on his father’s side? mat 1:16 ≠ lk 3:23
248. Where did Josiah die? 2ki 23:29-30 ≠ 2chron 35:23-24
249. How did King Josiah die? 2ki 22:20 ≠ 2ki 23:29-30, 2chron 35:23-24
250. How long did Jotham reign? 2ki 15:30 ≠ 2ki 15:32-33
251. How did Judas die? mat 27:5 ≠ acts 1:18
252. Did Judas identify Jesus with a kiss? mat 26:47-49, mk 14:43-45, lk 22:47-48 ≠ jn 18:3-5
253. To judge or not to judge. mat 7:1, lk 6:37, rom 14:10, jam 4:12 ≠ lev 19:15, jn 7:24, 1cor 2:15,
5:12-13, 6:2-3
254. Does Jesus judge people? jn 5:22, 5:26-27, 9:39, 2cor 5:10, rev 19:11 ≠ jn 8:15, 12:47
255. Has there ever been a just person? ecc 7:20 ≠ gen 6:9, ps 37:12, prov 3:33, 4:18, 9:9, 10:6, 10:7,
10:20, 11:9, 12:13, 12:21, 17:15, 17:26, 20:7, 21:15, 24:16, 29:10, 29:27, ecc 7:15, 8:14, isa 26:7, lam
4:13, ezk 18:5-6, 18:9, hos 14:9, amos 5:12, hab 2:4, mat 1:19, 5:45, 13:49, mk 6:20, lk 1:17, 2:25, 14:14,
15:7, 23:50, acts 10:22, 24:15, rom 1:17, gal 3:11, heb 10:38, titus 1:7-8, heb 12:23, jam 5:6, 2pe 2:7
256. Is anyone justified? mat 12:37 ≠ ps 143:2
257. Was Keturah Abraham’s wife or concubine? gen 25:1 ≠ 1chron 1:32
258. To kill or not to kill. exo 32:27, num 15:35, 1sam 15:2-3 ≠ exo 20:13, 23:7, deut 5:17, mk 10:19, lk
18:20, mat 19:18
259. Who was the father of Kish? 1sam 9:1 ≠ 1chron 8:33, 9.39
260. Does God know and see everything? job 42:2, ps 44:21, 139:7-8, prov 15:3, jer 16:17, 23:24, acts
1:24 ≠ gen 3:8, 4:14, 4:16, 11:5, 18:9, 18:17, 18:20-21, 22:12, 32:27, num 22:9, deut 8:2, 13:3, 2chron
32:31, job 1:7, 2:2, hos 8:4, jnh 1:3, 10
261. Who was Korah’s father? gen 36:14 ≠ gen 36:15-16
262. Who was Laban’s father? gen 28:5 ≠ gen 29:5
263. What were the last words of Jesus? mat 27:46 ≠ lk 23:46 ≠ jn 19:30
264. What were the last words of Jesus? mat 27:46 ≠ lk 23:46 ≠ jn 19:30
265. Should we obey human or divine law? acts 5:29 ≠ 1pe 2:13 ≠ rom 13:1-2
266. When did God kill Leviathan and the sea dragon? ps 74:13-14 ≠ isa 27:1
267. Is it wrong to lie? jos 2:4-6, jam 2:25, exo 1:18-20, 1ki 22:21-22, 2ki 8:10 ≠ exo 20:16, 23:1, 23:7,
lev 6:2-4, 19:11, deut 5:20, prov 12:22, 13:5, 24:28, lk 3:14, eph 4:25, col 3:9, rev 21:8, 21:27
268. What is the human lifespan? ps 90:10 ≠ gen 6:3
269. How many of Lod, Hadid, and Ono’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:33 ≠ neh 7:37
270. Has the sun ever stood still in the sky for 24 hours? jos 10:12-13 ≠ gen 10:22
271. Who is the Lord of this world? jos 2:11, 3:13, 2ki 19:15, 1chron 16:14, 16:31, ezra 5:11, job 34:13,
ps 47:2, 47:7, 59:13, 83:18, 96:10, 97:1, 97:5, 99:1, isa 37:16, 54:5, mic 4:13, zec 4:14, 6:5, mat 11:25,
lk 10:21, acts 17:24 ≠ mat 4:8-9, lk 4:5-7, jn 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, 2cor 4:4
272. Was Lot a righteous man? 2pe 2:7-8 ≠ gen 19:8, 19:30-36
273. Should we love or hate our brother? lev 19:17, 19:18, jn 3:15, 4:20-21 ≠ lk 14:26
274. Was Mahli the son of Levi? ezra 8:18 ≠ gen 46:11, 1chron 6:1, 16:16, 23:6
275. Will everyone see the majesty of God? isa 40:5 ≠ isa 26:10
276. Did Elisha receive Elijah’s mantle before or after Elijah is taken up into heaven? 1ki 19:19 ≠ 2ki 2:11-13
277. Is marriage a good thing? gen 2:18, prov 18:22, ecc 9:9, mat 19:5, 1tim 4:1-3, heb 13:4 ≠ 1cor
7:1, 7:7-8
278. Should Christians be concerned with material things? mat 6:31, 34 ≠ 1tim 5:8
279. Was Moses meek? num 12:3 ≠ num 31:14-18
280. Is God merciful? exo 34:6, deut 4:31, 2sam 24:14, 1chron 16:34; ps 25:8, 86:5, 100:5, 103:8,
106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 136:1, 145:9, jer 3:12, 33:11, lam 3:33, joel 2:13, mic 7:18, 2cor 1:3, jam 5:11, 1jn
4:16 ≠ exo 34:6-7, num 25:4, deut 7:16, 1sam 6:19, 15:2-3, lam 2:2, 2:17, 3:43, lam 13:14, 16:3-7, ezk
7:4, 9, 9:5-6, mic 1:12
281. How many children did Michal have? 2sam 6:23 ≠ 2sam 21:8
282. Did the Israelites kill every male in Midian? num 31:7, 16-17 ≠ jdg 6:1-2, 5
283. How many people did God kill for “committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab”? 1cor
10:8 ≠ num 25:9
284. How did God say the Moabites should be treated? deut 2:9 ≠ jdg 3:28-30, jer 48:2
285. Did any Moabite enter the congregation of the Lord? deut 23:3, neh 13:1 ≠ ruth 1:4, 4:13,17
286. Is money good or bad? ecc 10:19 ≠ 1tim 6:10
287. Was Moses in good mental and physical health at age 120? deut 34:7 ≠ deut 31:2
288. Who was Moses’ father-in-law? exo 3:1, 4:18, 18:1, 18:5 ≠ jdg 4:11, num 10:29 ≠ exo 2:18-21
289. Was Moses a good speaker? acts 7:22 ≠ exo 4:10, 4:14-16, 6:12, 6:30
290. Did Jesus preach his first sermon on a mountain or a plain? mat 5:1-3 ≠ lk 6:17, 20
291. What is God’s name? exo 6:2-3 ≠ exo 34:14 ≠ exo 3:14
292. What’s new? ecc 1:9 ≠ isa 43:19, 65:17, jer 31:22, 2cor 5:17, 2pe 3:13, rev 21:1
293. What is the correct new moon sacrifice? num 28:11 ≠ ezk 46:6
294. If God likes you, will everyone else like you too? prov 16:7 ≠ 2tim 3:12
295. When did Noah enter the ark? gen 7:7-10 ≠ gen 7:11-13
296. How should nonbelievers be treated? deut 13:6-10 ≠ 2cor 6:14-17 ≠ lev 19:18, mat 4:44, 22:39,
mk 12:31, lk 6:27, 6:31, 10:27, rom 13:9-10, gal 5:14, jam 2:8, 7:12
297. Is it OK to take oaths? gen 21:23-24, 24:2-3, 24:9, 31:53, 47:31, lev 27:2, 10, num 30:2, deut 6:13,
10:20, 23:21, ps 63:11, isa 45:23, 48:1, 65:16, jer 4:2, 12:16, heb 6:13, rev 10:5-6 ≠ mat 5:34, jam 5:12
298. Are those who believe Jesus is the Christ of God? 1jn 4:2, 4:15, 5:1 ≠ mk 1:23-24, 3:11, jam 2:19
299. How many officers did Solomon have? 1ki 9:23 ≠ 2chron 8:10
300. How old was Abraham when he left Haran? gen 12:4 ≠ acts 7:2-4, gen 11:26, gen 11:32
301. Was the tomb opened or closed when the women arrived? lk 24:2, mk 16:3-4, jn 20:1 ≠ mat 28:2
302. Do Christians need to obey Old Testament laws? gen 17:19, exo 12:14, 17, 24, lev 23:14, 21, 31,
deut 4:8-9, 7:9, 11:1, 11:26-28, 1chron 16:15, ps 119:151-2, 119:160, mal 4:4, mat 5:18-19, lk 16:17 ≠
lk 16:16, rom 6:14, 7:4, 6, 10:4, 2cor 3:14, gal 3:13, 3:24-25, 5:18, eph 2:15, col 2:14
303. How many overseers did Solomon have? 1ki 5:16 ≠ 2 chron 2:18
304. Who owns the earth? gen 14:19, 22, exo 9:29, 19:5, deut 10:14, 1chron 29:11, ps 24:1, 50:12,
89:11, 1cor 10:26 ≠ mat 4:8-9, lk 4:5-6 / ps 115:16
305. How many of Pahathmoab, Jeshua, and Joab’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:6 ≠ neh 7:11
306. How should parents be treated? exo 20:12, deut .5:16, eph 6:2, prov 1:8, 23:22, mal 4:6 ≠ mat
12:47-48, 23:9, 3:32-33, lk 9:59-60, 14:26
307. How many days is unleavened bread to be eaten during the passover? deut 16:8 ≠ deut 16:3,
exo 12:15, 23:15
308. Was Jesus crucified the day before or the day after the Passover meal? jn 19:14-16 ≠ mk 14:12,
mk 15:25
309. Did Paul see Jesus on the road to Damascus? 1cor 9:1 ≠ acts 9:8, 1cor 15:8
310. Did Paul visit all of the disciples when he went to Jerusalem after his conversion? acts 9:26-28 ≠
gal 1:18-19
311. Is God warlike or peaceful? exo 15:3, ps 18:34, 144:1 ≠ rom 15:33, 1cor 14:33, 2thes 3:16,
heb 13:20
312. Is the law of God perfect? ps 18:30, 19:7 ≠ heb 8:6-7
313. Who wrote the Pentateuch? deut 31:9, 1:1 ≠ num 12:3, deut 34:5-6, 34:10
314. Where was the home of Peter and Andrew? mk 1:21, 27 ≠ jn 1:44
315. Were the Pharisees baptized by John? mat 3:7-11 ≠ lk 7:29-30
316. Can women be church leaders? acts 18:26, rom 16:1, 16:7 ≠ 1cor 14:34-35, 1tim 2:11-12
317. How high were the pillars? 1ki 7:15 ≠ 2chron 3:15
318. Were plants created before or after humans? gen 1:11-13, 27-31 ≠ gen 2:4-7
319. Should we try to please others? rom 15:2, 1cor 10:33 ≠ gal 1:10
320. How many children of the porters returned from Babylon? ezra 2:42 ≠ neh 7:45
321. How many men were possessed with devils? mk 5:1-2, lk 8:26-27 ≠ mat 8:28
322. What did Jesus do after his baptism? mk 1:12-13 ≠ jn 1:35, 43, 2:1
323. How much power did Jesus have? mat 20:23, mk 6:5 ≠ mat 28:18
324. How much power did Jesus have? mat 20:23, mk 6:5 ≠ mat 28:18
325. Do Christians know how to pray? mat 6:9-13 ≠ rom 8:26
326. On what day of the month was Jehoiachin released from prison? 2ki 25:27 ≠ jer 52:31
327. Should Christians pray in public? mat 6:5-6 ≠ 1tim 2:8
328. Is every word of God pure? ps 2:6, 119:140, prov 30:5 ≠ 2ki 18:27, ezk 23:20, hab 2:16, mal 2:3
329. Was Rahab saved by faith or works? heb 11:31 ≠ jam 2:25
330. Who raised Jesus from the dead? jn 2:19-21 ≠ act 2:24, 2:32, 4:10, 13:30, gal 1:1, col 2:12,
1thes 1:10
331. Was Jesus a ransom for many or for all? mat 20:28, mk 10:45 ≠ 1tim 2:6
332. Can God be found through reason alone? rom 1:20 ≠ job 11:7
333. Did Mary Magdalene recognize Jesus when he first appeared to her? mat 28:9 ≠ jn 20:14 ≠
lk 24:23
334. Should we rejoice when we see our enemies suffer? ps 58:10 ≠ prov 24:17
335. Is it OK for a divorced woman to remarry? deut 24:1-2 ≠ lk 16:18
336. Does God repent? num 3:19, 1sam 15:29, ezk 24:14, mal 3:6, jam 1:17 ≠ gen 6:6, exo 32:14, deut
32:36, 1sam 15:11, 15:35, 2sam 24:16, 1chron 21:15, isa 38:1-5, jer 15:6, 18:8, 26:3, 26:13, 26:19,
42:10, amos 7:3, 6, jnh 3:10
337. Does God respect anyone? gen 4:4, exo 2:25, lev 26:9, 2ki 13:23, ps 138:6 ≠ deut 10:17, 2chron
19:7, acts 10:34, rom 2:11, gal 2:6, eph 6:9, col 3:25, 1pe 1:17
338. Did both thieves revile Jesus? mk 15:32, mat 27:44 ≠ lk 23:39-42
339. Is wealth a sign of righteousness or of wickedness? ps 37:25, 12:1, 3, prov 15:6 ≠ mat 19:23-24,
lk 6:24, jam 5:1
340. Has there ever been a righteous person? job 15:14, isa 41:26, isa 64:6, rom 3:10 ≠ gen 7:1, 2sam
22:25, job 2:3, ps 1:5-6, ecc 9:1, ezk 14:14, 20, mat 5:20, 23:35, 25:46, lk 1:6, heb 11:4, jam 5:16, 2pe
2:5, 2:7-8
341. Does righteousness come from following the Law? lk 1:6 ≠ gal 2:21
342. Is it necessary to keep the sabbath? exo 16:29, 20:8, 31:13-15, 34:21, 35:2, lev 19:3, 30, 23:3,
num 15:32, 36, deut 5:12, isa 56:2 ≠ isa 1:13, mat 12:2, jn 5:16, rom 14:5, col 2:16
343. How should Sabbath-breakers be punished? exo 31:14 ≠ exo 31:14, 31:15, 31:15, 35:2,
num 15:32-36
344. Who may offer sacrifices to God? lev 17:1-5, num 18:6-8 ≠ 1sam 1:1-2, 20, 7:7-9
345. Who was the father of Salah? gen 10:24, 11:12 ≠ lk 3:35-36
346. Did the Samaritans receive Jesus? lk 9:52-53 ≠ jn 4:39-40
347. Should the gospel be preached to everyone? mat 10:5-6, 15:24, acts 16:6 ≠ mat 28:19, mk 16:15,
acts 8:25, 15:3, 22:21, 28:28
348. Who was Samuel’s firstborn son? 1sam 8:2 ≠ 1chron 6:28
349. Was Samuel a Ephraimite or a Levite? 1sam 1:1-2, 20 ≠ 1chron 6:27-28, 36-38
350. Did Sarah have faith that she would conceive? heb 11:11 ≠ gen 18:10-15
351. When did Satan enter Judas? lk 22:3, 7 ≠ jn 13:27
352. How did Saul die? 1sam 31:4-6, 1chron 10:4 ≠ 1sam 1:8-10 ≠ 2sam 21:12 ≠ 1chron 10:14
353. Did Saul’s family die with him? 1 chron 10:6 ≠ 2sam 2:7-9
354. When did David meet Saul? 1sam 16:21-23 ≠ 1sam 17:55-58
355. What must you do to be saved? mat 5:20, 6:1, 7:1, 7:7-8, 10:22, 12:37, 16.27, 19:30, 25:34-36,
mk 10:31, 13:13, lk 6:24, 6:37, 19:23-24, jn 5:29, rom 2:6, 13, ps 62:12, jer 17:10, 2cor 5:10, 11:15, jam
2:14, 5:1, 1pe 1:17, ezk 18:27, 2thes 2:10, 24:13, 1jn 4:7, rev 2:23, 20:12-13 ≠ mat 7:21, 10:42, 18:3,
16:25, 19:17-19, 19:29, 22:14, mk 8:35, 8:38, 9:41, 10:29-30, 16:16, lk 9:24, 10:26, 13:23-24, 18:18-22,
18:29-30, jn 3:3, 3:16, 3:5, 5:24, 6:37, 6:44, 6:50, 9:11, 12:25, 17:33, acts 2:21, 16:31, rom 3:28, 5:1,
8:29-30, 10:9, 10:13, 11:26, 1cor 1:21, 5:1-5, 7:14, 7:16, 15:29, gal 2:16, eph 2:8, jam 2:17, 3:36, 6:40,
6:47, titus 3:5, 1tim 2:14-15, 2tim 2:11, eph 1:4-5, 6:53-54, rev 14:12, 14:4, 22:14
356. Were the Israelites to spare the trees in the countries they invaded? 20:19 ≠ 2ki 3:19
357. Did Jesus have secret teachings? mat 13:10-11 ≠ jn 18:20
358. Was Sisera asleep when he was murdered? jdg 4:21 ≠ jdg 5:26-27
359. Is all scripture inspired by God? 2tim 3:16 ≠ 1cor 7:12, 7:25
360. Should we let others see our good works? mat 5:16, 1pe 2:12 ≠ mat 6:1, 23:3, 5
361. Can God be seen ? gen 12:7, 17:1, 18:1, 26:2, 26:24, 32:30, 35:9, 48:3, exo 3:16, 4:5, 6:3,
24:9-11, 33:11, 33:23, num 14:14, deut 5:4, 34:10, jdg 13:22, 1ki 22:19, job 42:5, ps 63:2, isa 6:1,
6:5, ezk 1:27, 20:35, amos 7:7, 9:1, hab 3:3-5, mat 18:9 ≠ exo 33:20, jn 1:18, 6:46, 1tim 1:17, 6:16,
1jn 4:12
362. How many of Senaah’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:35 ≠ neh 7:38
363. Should you serve God alone? mat 4:10, 23:10 ≠ eph 6:5, col 3:18, 3:20, 3:22, 1tim 6:1, titus 2:9,
1pe 2:18
364. What is the earth set upon? job 26:7 ≠ 1sam 2:8, job 9:6
365. How should a man who has sex with a menstruating woman be punished? lev 15:24 ≠ lev 20:18
366. Do bad things happen to good people? hab 1:4, 1:13, heb 12:6 ≠ prov 12:21, 19:23, 1pe 3:13
367. What did the sign over Jesus’ head say? mat 27:37 ≠ mk 15:26 ≠ lk 23:38 ≠ jn 19:19
368. Did Jesus perform many signs and wonders? mk 16:20, jn 3:2, 20:30, acts 2:22 ≠ mat 12:39,
16:4, mk 8:12, lk 11:29
369. What did Judas do with the silver? acts 1:18 ≠ mat 27:5
370. Do Christians sin? 1ki 8:46, 2chron 6:36, prov 20:9, ecc 7:20, rom 3:23, 1jn 1:8, 1:10 ≠ rom 5:14,
1jn 3:6, 3:9, 5:18, 3jn 11
371. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments? exo 31:18, 34:4, 34:32, lev 26:46, 27:34, neh
9:13 ≠ 1ki 8:9, 2chron 5:10, mal 4:4
372. How many singing men and women returned from Babylon? ezra 2:65 ≠ neh 7:67
373. Were the men or angels inside the tomb sitting or standing? mk 16:5, jn 20:11-12 ≠ lk 24:3-4
374. What was Jesus’ sixth commandment? mat 19:17-19 ≠ mk 10:19 ≠ lk 18:20
375. Does God sleep? ps 121:3-4 ≠ ps 44:23
376. How many soldiers? 2sam 24:9 ≠ 1chron 21:5
377. Who brought Joseph into Egypt? gen 37:36 ≠ gen 37:28, 39:1
378. Was Solomon David’s second or fourth son by Bathsheba? 2sam 12:15, 24 ≠ 1chron 3:5
379. What was Solomon’s gift to Hiram? 1ki 5:11 ≠ 2chron 2:10
380. When did Solomon’s reign begin? 1ki 6:1 ≠ acts 13:17-18, 20-22, 1chron 29:26-27
381. How many sons did God have? jn 3:18, 1jn 4:9 ≠ lk 3:38 ≠ gen 6:2-4 ≠ job 1:6, 2:1 ≠ job 38:6-7 ≠
jn 1:12
382. Who were the sons of Heman? 1chron 25:4 ≠ 2chron 29:14
383. Was Jesus silent during his trial before Pilate? mat 27:12-14 ≠ jn 18:33-38, 1tim 6:13
384. How did Jesus cure the blind man? mk 8:22-25 ≠ jn 9:1-6
385. Does God have a body? gen 3:8, exo 33:11, 33:20, 33:22, 33:23, 34:5, deut 23:12-13, ezk 1:27,
8:2, hab 3:3-4 ≠ lk 24:39, jn 4:24
386. How many stalls did Solomon have? 1ki 4:26 ≠ 2chron 9:25
387. When were the stars made? gen 1:16-19 ≠ job 38:4-7
388. Is it wrong to steal? exo 3:22, 12:35-36, ezk 39:10, nah 2:9 ≠ exo 20:15, mat 19:18, lev 6:2-5,
19:11, 19:13, deut 5:19, ps 37:21, mk 10:19, lk 18:20, eph 4:28, 1thes 4:6
389. Did Joshua remove the twelve stones from the Jordan River? jos 4:20 ≠ jos 4:9
390. How should strangers be treated? exo 22:21, 23:9, lev 19:33-34, deut 10:19, jer 22:3, zec 7:10,
mat 25:35 ≠ num 1:51, 3:10, 3:38, 18:7, deut 7:2
391. Why did God turn the sundial back ten degrees? 2ki 20:7-11 ≠ isa 38:4
392. Is Jesus peaceful? lk 2:14, jn 14:27, 16:33, acts 10:36 ≠ mat 10:34, lk 12:51, 22:36, rev 19:11
393. When did Jesus’ temple tantrum occur? jn 2:11-16 ≠ lk 19:36-45, mat 21:1-13 ≠ mk 11:1-17
394. Where did Jesus tell his disciples to go after his resurrection? mat 28:10, mk 16:7 ≠ lk 24:49, acts 1:4
395. Did the women immediately tell the disciples? mat 28:8, lk 24:8-9 ≠ mk 16:8
396. Did Jesus say, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”? jn 2:19-21 ≠ mat
26:59-61, mk 14:57-58
397. Can God be tempted? jam 1:13 ≠ exo 17:2, deut 6:16, mat 4:7, lk 4:12, acts 15:10
398. Who tempted David to number Israel? 2sam 24:1 ≠ 1chron 21:1
399. Has God ever tempted anyone? jam 1:13 ≠ gen 22:1, 2sam 24:1, mat 6:13
400. How old was Terah when he died? gen 11:26, 12:4 ≠ gen 11:32
401. Is it OK to test (or tempt) God? jdg 6:36-40, 1ki 18:36-38, 2ki 20:8-11 ≠ deut 6:16, mat 4:7, lk 4:12
402. Can theives go to heaven? mk 15:27, lk 23:32-43 ≠ 1cor 6:9-10
403. How did God address Jesus at his baptism? mk 1:11, lk 3:22 ≠ mat 3:17
404. For How much did David by the threshing floor? 2sam 24:24 ≠ 1chron 21:25
405. Was it OK to touch the risen Jesus before his ascension? jn 20:17 ≠ mat 28:9, lk 24:39, jn 20:26-27
406. When when did the transfiguration occur? mat 16:28-17:2, mk 9:1-2 ≠ lk 9:27-28
407. May Adam eat from any tree? gen 1:29 ≠ gen 2:17
408. What were the twelve tribes of Israel? gen 49 ≠ num 1 ≠ num 13 ≠ deut 33 ≠ ezk 48 ≠ rev 7
409. How many animals of each kind did Noah take into the ark? gen 6:19, 7:8, 9, 15 ≠ gen 7:2
410. Is there an unforgivable sin? mat 12:31-32, mk 3:29, lk 12:10 ≠ acts 13:39
411. Is it OK to marry unbelievers? 1cor 7:12-14 ≠ 2cor 6:14-17
412. Where did God kill Uzza? 2sam 6:6 ≠ 1chron 13:9
413. What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink? mat 27:34 ≠ mk 15:23 ≠ lk 23:36 ≠ jn 19:29
414. Did the men with Paul hear the voice? acts 9:7 ≠ acts 22:9
415. Where did Moses get water from a rock? exo 17:1-7 ≠ num 20:1-8, num 27:14, deut 32:51
416. How did God tell Moses to get water from a rock? exo 17:5 ≠ num 20:7-8
417. Does God ever tire? isa 40:28 ≠ exo 31:17, isa 1:14, 43:24, jer 15:6
418. Was Jonah swallowed by a fish or a whale? jnh 1:17 ≠ mat 12:40
419. Who created heaven and earth? gen 1:1, isa 44:24 ≠ jn 1:6-10, 1cor 8:6
420. Who made the arc of the covenant? deut 10:1-3 ≠ exo 37:1
421. Who wrote the (second set of) ten commandments? exo 34:1 ≠ exo 34:27
422. Does God destroy both the righteous and the wicked? job 9:22, ecc 7:15, ezk 21:3 ≠ ezk 18:8-9,
18:19-20, 33:18-19
423. Do the wicked live long? job 21:7 ≠ ps 55:23, prov 10:27, 24:20, ecc 8:13, jer 23:19, nah 1:3
424. Is God’s will always done in heaven? mat 6:10 ≠ rev 12:7
425. Is wisdom a good thing? prov 4:7 ≠ job 37:24, 1cor 1:19
426. Does wisdom make people happy? prov 3:13 ≠ ecc 1:18
427. How many men were in the king’s presence? 2ki 25:18-19 ≠ jer 52:24-25
428. Who is for or against Jesus? mat 12:30, lk 11:23 ≠ mk 9:40, lk 9:50
429. Who did the women see at the tomb? mat 28:2 ≠ mk 16:5 ≠ lk 24:4 ≠ jn 20:12
430. How many women came to the sepulchre? jn 20:1 ≠ mat 28:1 ≠ mk 16:1 ≠ lk 24:1, 10
431. Where did the women watching the crucifixion stand? mat 27:55, mk 15:40, lk 23:49 ≠ jn 19:25
432. Can only God work wonders? ps 136:4 ≠ 2thes 2:9
433. How are people judged by God? mat 12:37, lk 10:26-28, jn 5:29 ≠ mk 16:16, jn 3:3, jn 3:18, 36
434. How many of Zattu’s offspring returned from Babylon? ezra 2:8 ≠ neh 7:13
435. Who was Zechariah’s father? 2chron 24:20-21 ≠ mat 23:35
436. How was Zedekiah related to Nebuchadnezzar? 2ki 24:17 ≠ 2chron 36:10
437. Did Zedekiah see the king of Babylon? jer 34:3 ≠ 2ki 25:7
438. Who was Zerubbabel’s father? 1chron 3:19 ≠ ezra 3:2, neh 12:1, hag 1:1, mat 1:12, lk 3:27
439. Where does God dwell? ps 9:11, 76:2, joel 3:17, 21 ≠ ps 123:1, ecc 5:2
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